Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Getting Divorced? You Have Options

A Closer Look at Litigation, Mediation, and Collaborative Law
Couples often find the preliminary stages of the divorce process overwhelming because of the many issues they need to consider. Among these are questions about support, asset division, and children. Reaching agreement on these issues is almost never easy, and couples are often besieged with advice from well meaning friends and family, and articles such as this. The reason why this process can be so bewildering is because each situation requires a unique solution. Save the simplest cases, there are no standard resolutions. Thus, the guidelines of family law are intentionally flexible and lacking in clear guidance and rules. In light of this, couples must first understand their choices when getting a divorce. These include litigation, mediation, and collaborative law. Each approach has its advantages and its advocates. It is up to each couple to try to figure out what process suits them best, rather than focusing on specific solutions.
For more information about any of these divorce options, please contact Howard Goldstein, an experienced family lawyer who practices litigation, mediation and collaborative law in Newton, Massachusetts. Email:, phone: 617-964-8559 or 800-996-4361 -